Yup...my life is boring. Or perhaps I am just busy and have so much excitement in my life that I can't find time to write about it. YA RIGHT LOL!
I have been struggling with the fact that my Dad has cancer. I found out in mid-January, and it has been very upsetting for me. At first I had an almost panic-like feeling. a heavy pressure on my chest like I could not breathe. I cried so much. I don't know how I got thru a day at work. as soon as I left for the day I would cry all the way home.
I am dealing with it a little better now. still very upset though. I talked to him last night and I felt better. I hope and pray for him. that he has a lot of good quality time left, and that the pain in his leg will go away so he can walk and do all the things he likes to do. re-build his antique tractors. poke around the yard. dig in the dirt and plant things. putter. I love him dearly, and wish we lived closer. Going to visit in June will be bittersweet.
So that's what's on my mind. I have started Rhonna's 21 day challenge journal. It's been 7 days. My journal is on page 1 still. BUT I have been doing pretty well with dieting and my morning workout. so. tommorow I will reweigh myself....and maybe catch up on the journal!
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