DandyLion Kit ~Preview and Link 1~
Here is the preview:
The kit has 19 parts and a total of 14 links. I will *try* to post a link every day. I am using Yousendit so the links will be good for 7 days. Happy Spring!

Here we go with Link #1
Be Nice! Leave a comment! *And I would LOVE a link to anything you make using the kit! Thanks for visiting my Blog. ~~~Donna
Thank you for sharing!
It seems to be a wonderful kit!
Looks great. And I am glad I found your blog again. I downloaded your flowers a little while ago and I didn't have a name to them. Now I have! ;-) Thanks for your freebies.
Thanks so much for the dl. Your layout is so interesting and I look forward to more of the kit.
Wow! This looks GREAT!! Thanks so much!!!
What a fun kit! Thank and Happy Easter!
Donna, thanks again for your generosity and talent!
Renee from Atlanta
(Thumbelina from 2Peas)
Great kit! Thanks so much.
My kids love dandelions. Thanks!
Thanks for being such a doll and sharing with us. Love the kit! -Jen
This is an amazing kit!
Dandylions are my favorite flowers. (as well as yellow roses)
I am so glad for your talent and for sharing with us.
Really like the retro look and colors - I'm especially fond of your use of old ephemera. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so very much - this is my favorite style of scrapping. I will watch for you. Thank you.
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